![]() "New year, new you". It's a phrase that helps make personal trainers January extremely busy, everyone is out to better themselves in January because they overindulged at Christmas on the mince pies and the booze and rightly so, why should you not indulge. But sadly, most people that say "New year, new you", are the same people that said it last year, and the year before that, and the year before. If you're one of these people are you not sick and tired of saying it and why does it have to be a new you? Why can it not be the same as you, just a little healthier, a little fitter and a little bit more toned? I don't think there is anything unhealthier than a person wanting to be someone different or being someone else. If it was your best friend or a brother/sister confiding in you saying they don't want to be themselves anymore, they want to be someone different, you would call them out for it, tell them to be themselves, they are the person you love etc, so why should the same not apply to you, be happy with yourself, how you look does not define who you are. Yes its important to be healthy, but be clear to yourself about what healthy is. So you are sick of wanting to make a healthy change to your lifestyle every year but failing and making the same false claim the next year, let's see how we can make these changed for you. Personal training; Obviously this is a major option, having a trainer to guide you and to also give you a person to be accountable to is a really helpful place to put yourself. Having someone to give you a plan to get where you want to be, rather than winging it every week. Make the most of experience with someone that has helped many other people reach their weight loss and heal goals. Fitness coaches know what is needed to make these changes and will give you the best possible guidance. Google personal trainer reviews and see what comes up, this will give you some quality information to see if that personal trainer will be a right fit for you. Be realistic; If you tell yourself "I want a body like..." Or "I want an ass like..." you are setting yourself straight up for failure and disappointment. You are not these people, nor will you ever be these people that you aspire to be. You might be taller, shorter, bigger hips, smaller waist etc, a completely different body composition. Focus on toning the areas that bother you or that you want to improve, the key word being you because this is all about you, not some celebrity that you will never be. Take your time; Coming back to being realistic, you cannot get results overnight, it doesn't matter how dedicated you are or how good your personal trainer is, you will not get instant results. It takes time, trusts me. I was overweight and I spent a few years when I started trying to get into the shape I wanted to be. I got frustrated, I got disheartened but I didn't take into account what was actually happening, the scales didn't move much, but I grew more muscle, I was fitter, I was getting stronger and stronger, I was looking more toned, but I obsessed over a single number on a scale. Like honestly, what a really good way to completely destroy your motivation and progress, when what is more important in centimetres lost and how good you actually feel about yourself, the scales numbers will change, but they might be the last thing, it DOES NOT mean you are not making progress. Value your efforts; So in January you go 100% out the gate, you're hitting classes, you're eating amazingly well, your calories are on point, you're absolutely killing it. Then February comes around, you might have a night out, hangover on a Sunday, you tell yourself you'll start it again on Monday, then Monday you're feeling tired after your first day back in work after the weekend, you choose to chill on the couch. You're already allowing yourself to slip back into old destructive habits that will allow you to gain weight. You just de-valued all the efforts you have put in, why would you do that? It's like building your own house from scratch then deciding to stop once the ground floor has been made, you have put so much effort in but quit before it is done. You have invested so much at this stage, keep your focus on the end goal. You didn't start to build a house only to have a bottom floor, you don't start a weight loss program or personal training to only get a minor result. As always, im a personal trainer first, my whole goal is to help people. There is nothing more upsetting to a good personal trainer than seeing someone not reaching their potential with what the would like to achieve. If you need help, advice or a kick in the bum reach out to Bodycoach at www.bodycoach.ie or email [email protected]
Michael BodycoachIm gonna keep it as real and as vulgar as possible Archives
October 2024